Before & After Toronto Eye Prosthetic Image Gallery
Before and after patient images to show you how our custom fit and hand painted ocular prosthetics improve your appearance. Great care is taken to match your iris colour, choosing the average pupil size and tinting the sclera (white) and blood vessels. Use the centre slider to reveal before and after images of prosthetic eyes.
Patient 1
Use the centre slider to reveal both eye’s before and after images.

Patient 2
Use the centre slider to reveal both eye’s before and after images.

Patient 3
Use the centre slider to reveal both eye’s before and after images.

Patient 4
Use the centre slider to reveal both eye’s before and after images.

Patient 5
Use the centre slider to reveal both eye’s before and after images.

Patient 6
Use the centre slider to reveal both eye’s before and after images.

Meet Your Toronto Ocularist
Darren J Hall, BCO (NEBO), and staff at Hall & Associates Prostheticare Inc., take great pride in the impression fitting, hand painting and fabrication of custom made artificial eyes for complete eye loss and scleral cover shells for partially removed or damaged eyes.
We strongly encourage anyone in need of eye replacement to come in for a full “no cost” evaluation and consultation to discuss your individual goals and expectations.
Whether you have just recently underwent surgery for your eye loss or if your eye injury/disease was decades ago, please feel free to phone our office to confidentially discuss any questions or concerns you may have or to simply take the first step by scheduling an appointment. A doctor’s referral is not needed for your initial consultation.